Thursday, June 21, 2007

Be Like Mike

Tonight I met with a good friend and mentor of mine, Mike. It had been awhile since we last saw each other so it was fun to catch up. One of the things I realized about Mike awhile ago was how inspired and uplifted I felt after we meet. It is a gift to have him in my life.

It is so important to have people in your life that support you unconditionally. People that you can share just about anything with and that you trust. For me, Mike is one of those guys.

Tonight one of the things we talked about was the keys to having a successful adult life. Mike pointed out that as an adult, one has to be a great manager. You need to manage your health, your finances, your family, career, as well as your impulses/addictions.

The metaphor we discussed is that you need a conductor that can keep the orchestra in harmony. Each component of the orchestra gives to the magic, but there needs to be balance. The conductor/manager needs to know when to draw out a certain expression, and when to calm one down.

Energetically, it is drawing on a higher consciousness to manage different levels of your being. Everyone has impluses and desires - some contribute to your growth while others are a form of sabotage. It is up to your higer consciousness to navigate through your desires and create a higher plan to bring about success.

This is no easy task in the 'instant gratification' society we live in. But it helps to have friends like Mike who hold you accountable, that raise your vibration and that support your higher desires.

I am grateful that Mike is in my life, and I look for more people like him to be with.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Heart of the Matter

In my interfaith ministerial class we were guided through a meditation where we focused our consciousness into a single cell within the Heart. I had an amazing experience. And it gave me some enlightened perspective on a current struggle of mine.

My first level of awareness as we began was that being this single cell would be very difficult - after all the Heart is very busy. Having to maintain that beat is hard work. But as I allowed myself to fully become this cell I felt the incredible energy the Heart is all about. The vibrancy was electrifying - it was like being at the ultimate party. This was not work at all! This was a pure state of being, and the life of the party at that. This became a timeless experience for me and the door that it opened is indescribable. As I continued deeper into this cell's task I became aware of nothing else, just this motion, being in the moment and fully participating in the flow of energy. I snuck a peek into the mysteries of the Universe, feeling like I traveled inside out...beginning in the very minute, subatomic level of my (Heart's) existence and passing through to the very essence of the Universe - all in one timeless beat.

We were then asked to be aware of our whole being observing this cell. While this was not as exciting as the energy of the single cell, it brought to my awareness that we do exist in these different levels of consciousness, and that it is important to be able to shift from one to another to have success in this world.

I am in the midst of a great shift in my healing and teaching vocation. As a part of that I have created some very concrete goals I am striving to manifest. One area that I have got stuck in this process is the ability to move between the present moment (that single cell's task) and my desired outcome (expanded awareness). I forget that in order to achieve my goal, I need to stay present and move the energy...or rather, be in the energy. My mind gets in the way and I close myself from the flow of energy.

Being able to just be that cell taught me to take the necessary steps I need to achieve my goals. One step at a time. One beat at a time. And more importantly, to let go of the outcome and trust the Universe. The support is always there. And if my goal is not in alignment with my highest path, trust that I will be led where I need to go. As I write this I remember the Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz ...

1) Always do your best
2) Be impeccable with your word
3) Never make assumptions
4) Don't take anything personally

I bring this up because you don't always know if your doing the right thing, and therefore can let your monkey mind spiral you in circles. But if you have a clear goal, and you follow these agreements in the process, you can't lose. Either you're on your right path and you'll get it done, or you're not and you'll soon be led that way.

And it is the undisciplined mind that usually does us in. It was my untrained mind that initially assumed that being that one cell in the Heart was going to be hard, impossible work, and why do I want to do that? But once I fully embraced the cell (and really let go and trusted) it was just the opposite!

To veer off even further (But to quote Buddy Ackerman, "I'm going to be moving in a circular motion here but if you stay with me there will be a point!") my wife Davianne is a couple months into Bikram Yoga at a studio in Saint Paul. One thing the teachers there encourage is to just do the damn postures and don't think about it. They do a great job of keeping the class in the present. Bikram himself says that it isn't our bodies that are incabable of the work - it's our minds that give up. The true training is in the mind. The body can do it.

I'm tryin to get down
To the Heart of the Matter
But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter...

The words of my teacher Mantak Chia come to the forefont. He says the success of the Tao is simple. Just follow these three principles:

1) Trust and Believe
2) Think and let it happen
3) Turn visualization into activation

This is a rich arena for me. All that I have learned and all that I am teaching is being put to test. I am here and present and I believe.

Friday, June 15, 2007


I have had a lot of practice in manifestation. Recently I participated in a class that focused on letting go of our resistance to money. It was a great class and at the end we all committed to an intention that we are to manifest.

Manifesting is always an interesting process, and you never know what will come up. Every time I have focused on an intent, resistance has surfaced. This usually comes in the form of a stuck belief or emotion that is not aligned with my intent.

I felt a surge of power at the beginning of the week, and saw myself doing the work necessary to reach my goal with ease. I had plenty of energy – it felt really good.

Then, on a string of a couple days, I was filled with sadness. I didn’t know why I felt sad, though intuition immediately told me it had to do with my new direction. I chose to be with the sadness, acknowledging it without resistance while remaining open to any messages.

In the meantime, my daughter Zoe finished the 7th grade this week and for the first time will be home alone the whole summer and doesn’t have a lot of plans thus far. So she is enjoying lazy summer days with no responsibility. As I navigated through my sadness, waves of summer memories flooded my energy field – vacations with my family, goofing off with neighborhood friends, endless summer nights – living carefree with no teachers, limited parents, and just being. And with the memories the sadness heightened.

I thought this was a bit strange – these memories were very much happy memories – so why the sadness? I realized then that I was wrong about the sadness having to do with my manifestation– instead I figured I had tapped into Zoe’s experience and was reminded of the lazy summer days of my youth.

As I continued in this space – recapturing fond memories and really feeling the emotions of those times, I realized the memories I was connecting to ended at about the age of 15. I wasn’t swimming in the high school summer memories, or college, or even post-college. Rather the memories were running from the age of about 5 to 15.

So what is it about those times that was different than the later summers of my youth? It didn’t take long to figure that out – by the time I had my driver’s license my summer’s were filled with responsibilities – namely various serving jobs at restaurants I had. Hmmm. That is interesting.

Being that what I was manifesting was a big leap in my healing practice – while still holding a 40 hour a week job and fulfilling my role as husband and father – this revelation was interesting indeed. I continued to explore…

Lo and behold, one answer was apparent. There was a part of me that was quite sad about my intent – a part that felt it would suffocate with this new responsibility. A part that longed for those lazy summer days with nothing to do. Well isn’t that interesting? And doesn’t it make sense, too.

So in a meditative state, I checked in with that belief and the part of me that was holding it. Part of me that really felt is was helping me by its resistance. And I gently spoke to it.
Because this is a huge transition, and when my manifestation comes to fruition, there will be challenges (and probably less down time!). But in the end, when I am doing my healing work full-time, there will be a new opening. And when I write my own schedule, I’ll create a bigger space for that carefree, free spirited child to run around.

You just never know what will come up when you change your trajectory. I’m grateful that I was open and able to move with this energy – and hopefully shift it. And I also know that this is just the beginning…

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Archibald Lawless - Anarchist at Large

I wanted to share the following excerpt from the novella "Archibald Lawless: Anarchist at Large: Walking the Line," by Walter Mosley:

“I am, everyone is, a potential sovereignty, a nation upon my own. I am responsible for every action taken in my name and for every step that I take-or that I don’t take. When you get to the place where you can see yourself as a completely autonomous, self-governing entity then everything will come to you; everything that you will need.”

This statement really stood out for me the other night because I had heard it before, in a completely different context. While certifying as a Universal Tao instructor in Thailand, my teacher Master Mantak Chia, said: “The goal of the Tao is to achieve freedom. No one can rule your spirit inwardly. No one. Once you realize this, you become free.”

There is an inherent simplicity to both of these statements. But bringing oneself to that point of freedom/autonomy can be a great challenge.

When I think of this freedom/autonomy I think of living the life the way I want, without any excuses as to why I cannot. On an energetic level, that means I choose where I tap into my energy. For instance, I want to eat organic food that is fresh and natural. I want my meat to be free range and the animals honored.

I also want my work to be aligned with my integrity – on every level. I do not want to work for someone/something that I do not believe in or does not share my values.

Food and career. These are two very basic, yet very fundamental sources of energy.

If everyone could say, “I work for a company that shares my values: politically, environmentally and humanely,” then how much pollution would there be? How much inhumane working conditions (both here and abroad)? How much fraud and corruption?

If everyone could say the same about the food they eat, then how many pesticides would still be in use? How about animal cruelty? Poor conditions for workers?

It is not easy to pull yourself away from energy sources that are not aligned with your integrity. Minor details get in the way – like, how do I support and feed my family? It doesn’t happen overnight.

But to be conscious enough to say that you have choices is the first step. You might feel forced to make some choices that bend your values – today – but how can you situate yourself to connect with a new energy source tomorrow?

Think about that. Meditate on it. Sometimes the answers are easier than you think. Sacrifices will have to be made, surely.

I have worked diligently to refine my energy sources and I continue to do so. When more of us become free then we can create a world that IS aligned with our integrity and value systems. And that is exactly how we will shift this world into its “new age.”