Thursday, June 14, 2007

Archibald Lawless - Anarchist at Large

I wanted to share the following excerpt from the novella "Archibald Lawless: Anarchist at Large: Walking the Line," by Walter Mosley:

“I am, everyone is, a potential sovereignty, a nation upon my own. I am responsible for every action taken in my name and for every step that I take-or that I don’t take. When you get to the place where you can see yourself as a completely autonomous, self-governing entity then everything will come to you; everything that you will need.”

This statement really stood out for me the other night because I had heard it before, in a completely different context. While certifying as a Universal Tao instructor in Thailand, my teacher Master Mantak Chia, said: “The goal of the Tao is to achieve freedom. No one can rule your spirit inwardly. No one. Once you realize this, you become free.”

There is an inherent simplicity to both of these statements. But bringing oneself to that point of freedom/autonomy can be a great challenge.

When I think of this freedom/autonomy I think of living the life the way I want, without any excuses as to why I cannot. On an energetic level, that means I choose where I tap into my energy. For instance, I want to eat organic food that is fresh and natural. I want my meat to be free range and the animals honored.

I also want my work to be aligned with my integrity – on every level. I do not want to work for someone/something that I do not believe in or does not share my values.

Food and career. These are two very basic, yet very fundamental sources of energy.

If everyone could say, “I work for a company that shares my values: politically, environmentally and humanely,” then how much pollution would there be? How much inhumane working conditions (both here and abroad)? How much fraud and corruption?

If everyone could say the same about the food they eat, then how many pesticides would still be in use? How about animal cruelty? Poor conditions for workers?

It is not easy to pull yourself away from energy sources that are not aligned with your integrity. Minor details get in the way – like, how do I support and feed my family? It doesn’t happen overnight.

But to be conscious enough to say that you have choices is the first step. You might feel forced to make some choices that bend your values – today – but how can you situate yourself to connect with a new energy source tomorrow?

Think about that. Meditate on it. Sometimes the answers are easier than you think. Sacrifices will have to be made, surely.

I have worked diligently to refine my energy sources and I continue to do so. When more of us become free then we can create a world that IS aligned with our integrity and value systems. And that is exactly how we will shift this world into its “new age.”

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