Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Heart of the Matter

In my interfaith ministerial class we were guided through a meditation where we focused our consciousness into a single cell within the Heart. I had an amazing experience. And it gave me some enlightened perspective on a current struggle of mine.

My first level of awareness as we began was that being this single cell would be very difficult - after all the Heart is very busy. Having to maintain that beat is hard work. But as I allowed myself to fully become this cell I felt the incredible energy the Heart is all about. The vibrancy was electrifying - it was like being at the ultimate party. This was not work at all! This was a pure state of being, and the life of the party at that. This became a timeless experience for me and the door that it opened is indescribable. As I continued deeper into this cell's task I became aware of nothing else, just this motion, being in the moment and fully participating in the flow of energy. I snuck a peek into the mysteries of the Universe, feeling like I traveled inside out...beginning in the very minute, subatomic level of my (Heart's) existence and passing through to the very essence of the Universe - all in one timeless beat.

We were then asked to be aware of our whole being observing this cell. While this was not as exciting as the energy of the single cell, it brought to my awareness that we do exist in these different levels of consciousness, and that it is important to be able to shift from one to another to have success in this world.

I am in the midst of a great shift in my healing and teaching vocation. As a part of that I have created some very concrete goals I am striving to manifest. One area that I have got stuck in this process is the ability to move between the present moment (that single cell's task) and my desired outcome (expanded awareness). I forget that in order to achieve my goal, I need to stay present and move the energy...or rather, be in the energy. My mind gets in the way and I close myself from the flow of energy.

Being able to just be that cell taught me to take the necessary steps I need to achieve my goals. One step at a time. One beat at a time. And more importantly, to let go of the outcome and trust the Universe. The support is always there. And if my goal is not in alignment with my highest path, trust that I will be led where I need to go. As I write this I remember the Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz ...

1) Always do your best
2) Be impeccable with your word
3) Never make assumptions
4) Don't take anything personally

I bring this up because you don't always know if your doing the right thing, and therefore can let your monkey mind spiral you in circles. But if you have a clear goal, and you follow these agreements in the process, you can't lose. Either you're on your right path and you'll get it done, or you're not and you'll soon be led that way.

And it is the undisciplined mind that usually does us in. It was my untrained mind that initially assumed that being that one cell in the Heart was going to be hard, impossible work, and why do I want to do that? But once I fully embraced the cell (and really let go and trusted) it was just the opposite!

To veer off even further (But to quote Buddy Ackerman, "I'm going to be moving in a circular motion here but if you stay with me there will be a point!") my wife Davianne is a couple months into Bikram Yoga at a studio in Saint Paul. One thing the teachers there encourage is to just do the damn postures and don't think about it. They do a great job of keeping the class in the present. Bikram himself says that it isn't our bodies that are incabable of the work - it's our minds that give up. The true training is in the mind. The body can do it.

I'm tryin to get down
To the Heart of the Matter
But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter...

The words of my teacher Mantak Chia come to the forefont. He says the success of the Tao is simple. Just follow these three principles:

1) Trust and Believe
2) Think and let it happen
3) Turn visualization into activation

This is a rich arena for me. All that I have learned and all that I am teaching is being put to test. I am here and present and I believe.

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